Calendar of the State Papers online
今週はずっとアクセス数が高めです。なぜ (?_?) ヽ(´・`)ノ
さて、H-Net の H-Albion で流れてきた話題です。英語のまま、引用します。
PRESS RELEASE 19/06/2007Complete Calendars of State Papers to go online
The Institute of Historical Research (IHR) has been awarded funding by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) to complete the digitisation of The National Archives' Calendars of State Papers, a key resource for historians of England in the early modern period.
The IHR has already been funded by The Andrew W Mellon Foundation to digitise and publish the Calendars of State Papers, Domestic (1547-1704, 1760-75) and those for Scotland and Ireland in British History Online, as 'Premium' subscription content. The award of 」414,000 from the AHRC will support the digitisation and publication of the remaining 293 volumes (Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic of Henry VIII; the State Papers, Foreign; the State Papers, Colonial; Treasury books and papers; and papers held in foreign archives) as free content.
The Calendars of State Papers will be made available through the British History Online digital library ( alongside other core primary and secondary sources for the early modern period, including the Journals of the Houses of Commons and Lords, Ordnance Survey maps and the substantial part of the Victoria County History.
The availability online of the full series of the Calendars of State Papers will represent an enormous gain in terms of accessibility and usability. This publication project will also give scholars the opportunity to comment on and correct any errors or omissions in the Calendar texts, leading ultimately to what might be perceived as new, community-generated 'editions'.
Professor David Bates, Director of the IHR, said: 'British History Online has been supporting research, learning and teaching for over four years by providing high quality digitised versions of the key sources for the history of the British Isles. The digital library is central to our commitment to develop and promote historical research, and the planned facility to add corrections and annotations to the Calendars opens up an array of exciting possibilities. We are delighted that the AHRC has recognised the importance of this project, and the wider work of the IHR in this field'.
Matthew Davies
CSP を、じつは卒業論文を書いているときにつかったことがあります。たしか、ステューアト朝初期の公開市場政策をしらべるのに、どこかの市場の日程表が入っていたような、いなかったような。さいわいなことに、経済学部図書館にドーンと鎮座ましましており、パラパラめくってつかわせてもらいました。コピーも可だったはずです(てゆーか、コピーをカードに貼りつけて、どこかへ綴じこんであるはず)。修論のときには研究室に入っていた1760年代のものをつかおうと企図しましたが、時間の関係でできませんでした(てゆーか、怠慢だったよのさ)。
電子化終了の日付は不明ですけど、かなり待ち遠しいですね。Calendar でもけっこうおもしろいんですよ。電子図書館というからには、たんなるテキストの羅列を閲覧できるってわけではないでしょうしね。「たのしみだぞ、おーい」って、いけません、昨日のノリのままです ホホホ!(^O^)
【授業】「ヨーロッパの風土と文化」の授業ファイルを作成 → ウェブログに登載。
2)Microsoft Office 2007 の導入のため、業者への見積もりの依頼